



2024-07-22 01:18:03 来源:网络


write down的用法是什么???
1🎴|🦣、接名词的话write sth down和write down sth都可以2🪳-|🏏、接人称代词的话🦣|🦎,只能放在中间write sth down 3😙-——🏏、例如🐕-🦈:write it down或write the words down=write down the words
Writedown在英语中读作🦭🦮_🙃:ˈraɪt daʊn]在英语句子中🐱🪶————🦂🦥,writedown可以这么用🦊-🐋:1🦇-|🪄、On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight.早晨开始禁食前🃏😋|-😞,记下你的体重🦄🪲——-🪀♟。2*‍❄——|*🦆、Write down some notes on the new things that you learned in the unit.记下说完了😋🤤--🙀。


write down的用法??
write down的用法🦜|-🦔🐑:write sth down与write down sth都正确🦂🥀-_🔮🦒。例如🌺🌥|——🐌🪳,write your ideas down🌟😙——😒🕷,write down your ideas🐝🌧|_🐆🐾。write your ideas down和write down your ideas两个都对😞_-🐬。down是一个副词🔮|_🦨,这是一个由“动词+副词”构成的短语动词🪴😎|🌎,名词作宾语时既可放在后面🙀🍃_|🎎🙄,也可放在中间🦘——🐄;如果是代词作宾语🌳||🐟,只能希望你能满意🎫|——🐋😾。
write down的用法🐸🐒_🤥:①write sth down*🦘__🦊;②write down sth.例句*😒|——🍂*:write down your goals /write your goals down.由于“它们”是人称代词😎🐉-——🌾🐥,所以一般不适用放于句尾😺_🤩🍂,属于英语语法的常见表达错误🦥🐪-🐕。所以人称代词一般放在中间🐈|🦧,例句🙂——-🎿:write it down 也是同理🦜-_*。只有非人称代词的名词才可以同时适用两个搭配方式🐐🐑_-🐖🍀。
write down是什么意思??
1🌒🐫_🦝🕊、Write down the emotions that trigger your eating .写下激发你吃东西的某种情绪🌎🐲|🐂。2🤕__🐹、It has had to write down several other investments .它也不得不减记其他一些投资项目🧵__☄️🦫。3🤯🌘——🦚🦅、So do I write down my best friend from primary school ?那我是不是应该写上自己小学里最要好的朋友?4🤒🌻__🦔、..
1*|🦟🐪、Write down your incomings and outgoings.翻译🌞🐈‍⬛_-🌹:把你的收入与支出记下来🕊-🐹🎄。2🌼|🐵、Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity 翻译🎱😴||🐲:写下有机会的话你想做的事情🎎-🐞🐈。3🧐-|🥉、On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight 翻译⛈🦄-——*:早晨开始禁食还有呢?
write down造句怎么造??
1🎗_😼🌝、Please write down your name and the products you want to order on this order sheet.请在这份订单上填写您的姓名和订购的产品🦝-🦢🐩。2🦅🦝-——🌱、Just a moment Let me write down your name and address等一下🐘_🐽😫,让我把你的姓名地址记下🏏|——🌵🐘。3💐_🐨、I was to write down a dairy before the new day come我好了吧🪲__🌲!
1. I want to write down what you just said. 我想把你方才所说的写下来🪱🤢_|🤖。 2. Please write down your names here. 请把你的名字写在这里🌴😵——*。3. Write down each incident including date, time and place. 记下每一次事件🦘♠|_😦,包括日期🐞——🔮🏒、时间和地点*😷————😛*。
write down的用法???
write down 后面接名词性宾语或者宾语从句🤢-|🎟。比如I always write down the questions that I want to ask.Please write down the word and try to remember it.
write down 写下🦕——🦆😀, 记下Hold on the phone for a second.Let me find a pen to write down your phone number.别挂电话😟_——😶, 让我找支笔记下你的电话号码🌾🕸——😁🌸。What you've said has been written down.你所说的一切都被记录下来了🐚🦄-🐡🐨。视为They seem to have written him down as a fool.他们好像有帮助请点赞🐺|_🐞。